Getting Started with Invisalign: Your Step-by-Step Guide
In the not-so-distant past, your only option for straightening your teeth was metal braces. That’s not the case any longer. With Invisalign® clear aligners, you can straighten your teeth, close gaps, and even correct bite issues discreetly and without metal wires.
Dr. David Blaustein and the team here at Chelsea Dental Aesthetics are proud to offer Invisalign at their office in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York City.
If you’re new to Invisalign, read on. In this step-by-step guide, the Chelsea Dental Aesthetics team walks you through the process, from initial consultation to flaunting your new smile.
Step 1: Schedule your consultation
During your one-on-one with Dr. Blaustein, you discuss your smile goals. He examines your teeth and assesses whether clear braces are the right fit. He may use X-rays, photos, and digital to help create a personalized treatment plan.
Step 2: Create a custom treatment plan
If you decide to move forward with Invisalign, Dr. Blaustein uses the iTero Element™ scanner to create a highly detailed 3D digital model of your teeth. This model serves as the basis for your custom treatment plan.
With advanced planning software, Dr. Blaustein maps out your teeth’s gradual movements with each set of aligners. Your treatment plan is carefully laid out from your first tray to your last.
The best part? Because the Invisalign process is digital, you don’t have to worry about messy or imperfect physical impressions or gagging.
Step 3: Receive your aligners
With your treatment plan finalized, your aligners are customized for you, designed to shift your teeth gradually into the desired positions. Our team provides you with multiple sets of aligners. You can expect to change them every 1-2 weeks or as instructed.
Step 4: Wear your aligners
Consistency is the key to successful Invisalign treatment. Wear your aligners for 20-22 hours each day. You can remove them to eat and drink (except water). Afterward, brush and floss your teeth, then place your aligners back in your mouth.
Tip: Keep a travel kit in your purse or backpack to easily brush your teeth after lunch, even at work or school. Always store your Invisalign trays in your storage case when you eat to prevent accidentally throwing them away.
Step 5: Attend your routine check-ins
In addition to changing your trays every 1-2 weeks, you need to attend check-ins here in our office. These allow us to monitor your progress and provide you with new aligners. Take these opportunities to address any questions or concerns you have.
Step 6: Embrace the process
Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign has no dietary restrictions, and oral hygiene is easier to maintain. Enjoy your favorite foods without worrying about damage to brackets or wires.
Step 7: Finish your treatment and wear your retainer
The average length of Invisalign treatment is 9-15 months. After your treatment, wear your Vivera™ retainer to protect your smile. Simply wear it at night while you sleep.
Ready to transform your smile discreetly with Invisalign clear aligners? Book your consultation today. Call our Manhattan office at 917-200-0219 or request an appointment online.